Medical Conduct

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Chesney, Nicholas & Brower, LLP has a Team of Experienced
Medical Conduct Lawyers In Metropolitan New York.

In New York, the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) and the Office of Professional Discipline (OPD) investigates medical, dental and chiropractic professionals.  Our firm has a long standing history of providing experienced counsel before these state agencies, helping our clients navigate through the process that can derail their career.

We understand the critical importance of proceeding with a comprehensive and aggressive defense as soon as possible. The state will investigate every complaint filed, regardless of how little merit it may have.  Therefore, it is imperative to act boldly and quickly and to know that you have knowledgable Medical Conduct Lawyers representing you.

Consider these facts:

  • Licensed professionals in the State of New York are constantly being subject to investigation and prosecution via State agencies.
  • Medical professionals practicing in New York are subject to investigation and potential disciplinary action by the New York State Department of Health Office of Professional Medical Conduct.
  • The New York State Education Department’s Office of the Professions, through the Board of Regents, aggressively investigates and prosecutes alleged misconduct in all licensed professions other than medicine.

Chesney, Nicholas & Brower, LLP are skilled at handling some of the most complex matters before the Office of Professional Medical Conduct and the Office of the Professions.

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Chesney, Nicholas & Brower, LLP

485 Underhill Blvd Suite #308 Syosset, NY 11791 US

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